Thursday, September 26, 2013


I love reading. i always wondered how these authors could arrange the words so meaningfully that the reader loves it... wants to read it more... I always wanted to write, thus! but soon I came to know it's not my cup of tea. 
I started this blog long back... I don't remember when... I don't remember why... Now I am going to use it for my hobby... Wood making!

I have a serious hobby of wood making. Serious अशासाठी की त्यापायी मी खूप काही गमावले आहे... पण ते सगळे इथे लिहिण्यात point नाही... I would now like to share the hobby with you...

I make things... with wood, plywood, wooden strips... anything! Anything that appeals at that moment... Making is not commercial, so it is never perfect... But still I make them. The process of making engages me, calms me down... in most cases diverts me from current लफडी around my life! This blog will display the things that I make, may be with the reason or the thought behind making it!

1. Wooden show piece

It is a fairly large (about 4 ft) wooden piece of art... The middle part is a disfigured fire wood I had picked up from Konkan... and the top and bottom pieces मी यवतमाळ हून आणलेले आहेत... एका वाखरीतून एक मोठा ओंडका शोधून त्या माणसाला त्याच्या २ चकत्या कापायला सांगितल्या होत्या... this was in early 2013. Each one costed me about 200 Rs. The middle one is free... I took it from a small tea shop, who wanted to burn it in his kitchen. In fact he had burnt it a little. I had to cut it from top and bottom and attach these two. It took me a day to complete.

2. A small wooden coffee table

I made this table on request. I had made a similar table for my own use and had posted it on Facebook. One of my colleagues saw that and ordered for a similar table, customized for his needs. He wanted a bed side table with specific dimensions. And here it is...!

Many to follow...

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