Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Cycling- back

Cycling to office is not at all same as going back home.

I stay in a hilly place, hilly means at the top of a little elevated hill like area (that's what I said!). It is a nice place to stay, difficult to reach. There are 2 steep slopes on the way and overall climbing up. It takes the s@#t out of one if a beginner. Am i a beginner? Always... :(

While coming back from office, I have to cross the road twice. I mean there are 2 right turns I have to take. That is the first challenge to face. Wave hands, look behind, do whatever gestures you can, cars and bikes go by you as if they will die if they allow the bicycle to cross through. It takes lot of courage and stamina to cross the road and cruise to the desired direction.

Once done, there comes the steeps. Those kill me, kill my enthusiasm... I start doubting my ability as well as reason for riding the bicycle. 

There was a time, in school days, when bicycle was the only kind of vehicle allowed (and owned, or given!), climbing steep slopes was never an issue. It was easy, like any other road. There was one enemy road back then as well, but the rage never lasted after I climbed the road every day. While coming back I used to love the road, for letting me glide effortlessly. 

Now, the slopes don't excite me. They warn me, that too much speed can also be dangerous, that this speed can render me dead, or broken at least, that this speed, is a gift, not an achievement. 

There are days countable on fingertips, when I have reached home without getting off the seat, when I have successfully completed the travel- including road crossings and steep slopes- while peddling the wheels. Otherwise, always, I get down least twice. Less due to external obstacles, more because of the ones within!!

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