Monday, June 6, 2016

One thing at a time

One thing at a time... Yes, that's how I happen to work...

I am an ordinary man. I have small dreams, want to set my life on an ideal course. But I feel, i can do only one thing at a time. I read in the inspirational type books a list of things you must do everyday... i agree to all of them, but can not do it all.

If I decide to follow child psychology and dedicate complete attention to Kabir, then i stay awake for a long time at night. Then 'read till you drop' motto goes off. Then i can not get up early in the morning and 'early to bed early to rise' sleeps back to bed. 
Reducing the belly fat has been my ambition for a long... long time. Has never worked so far. You need dedication and getting up early. Exercise and hike/walk should become an integral part of your routine. Child psychology does not take into account physical fitness of the parents...

Visiting gods (sitting at home) has always made me feel good. Meditating and dhyana are fascinating, at least feel like i am trying to give some time to myself. But, it has conditions, dependencies. Unless all the other things are clear, one can not do these. If i get up at 8.30 in the morning, need to reach office at least by 10.30 (my office starts at 9.30, I am ill-famous for being 'supremely punctual'), then clean yourself and do all other biologically required things consumes most of my time. On top of that, if Kabir gets up then whoa... It is a different game all together. Where will i find god in all this?

I love to work in the garden. Plant trees, water them, see them blooming and fruiting (i don't know what they call when a plant has fruits), it is a pleasing joy! This joy also is expensive. it demands time, water availability etc. And what will pose as a question is really unpredictable...

If I try to become a perfect father, I have to live with the fat tummy. If I follow strict (not even strict, loose will also do)fitness regime, then my plants and books go unwatered. If i decide to eat breakfast everyday, i usually miss the lunch! If i decide to read the books i like, i miss on to the sweet mischief of Kabir. 

So basically if i do one, i miss other 7. I think that is fine, that is life. 

It is good to be ideal, but fun to miss things. That's human!  

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