Wednesday, June 8, 2016



As mentioned in my earlier post, i like doing things... So, my recent attempt is taking bicycle to office. My office is about 4.5 KMs away from home, so it is a ride of about 9 KMs per day, which i feel is decent (though, one of my friends the other day said he rode for 23 Kms and it felt nothing. Common.... 23??).
So, i took out the bicycle yesterday, cleaned it (yes, had to wipe the dust off, clean the joints. Old unused goods need cleaning on first use, u see!), had to pump in some air and I was good to go. It took me 35 mins to travel the distance (which is extra-ordinarily too much... now i feel so!). But, when i reached office, drenched in sweat, little dizzy and powerless for a while. I regretted for a while to get to office on a bicycle but later, it felt good.I felt i have done something for myself, it is a rare feeling for me!

Traveling on a bicycle has few benefits, 3. it saves fuel 2. it helps you burn some fat 1. and the most important, it slows you down. On road, when you are travelling with a speed of 8-10 kms/hr, you can see all the other vehicles overtaking you, speeding ahead, rushing- almost always unnecessarily. Large 4WD ones honking and attempting to take you over. Largeness has issues, i feel. Larger you are, more problematic is the maneuvering. And it is true not only for vehicles!

I met some of my relatives yesterday. In laws to be precise. I told them, just out of fun, that "look, i think the bicycle has thinned down a little." They took some time to realize the joke, but when they did, their comment was... how do I say, hurting. 
"Please mark the calendar for days you use the bicycle"

Hmm... I know my track record is not trustworthy. I have proven to fail too many times, especially on the exercise front. But, I am yet to give up!. There are instances where I have given up, so I won't say 'I never give up' and all crap. Nobody is that way, I suppose. Everyone has to give up something sometime, it depends what you choose to give up!

As a result of the brief conversation, I got the bicycle today as well. Though I was a little late for office, still!

Such criticism can get one off track and make sure one never comes back. Sometimes, it helps one perform. Did it help me?

I reached office in 15 mins!!

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