Sunday, June 19, 2016

That man on the signal

Almost everyday, i cross this particular signal near Pune University. It is a busy cross-road, 4 roads jumping over each other. I always take left, the least bother-sum turn one can take and lead towards my house. People honk and shout, cross from left to right and scratch their roads to their destinations. 

There, on the left side of the cross road, stands an old man. Old, must be about 70+, skinny, always in striped white shirt and some pants, thick soda glass spectacles, holding a stick. Best part, a whistle. A whistle, equally powerful as any police officer's, but without 'power'! 

The man arrives the duty station in the evening and stays there till late night. He has interesting duty to perform, shepherding! Shepherding the traffic, people walking on the footpath, on the streets. Vehicles, be it bikes, cars or trucks, he has equal treatment for all, move ahead!! All he does is wave his stick saying move ahead, keep whistling, saying- move ahead!

"What's wrong with this man?" We always think. What could be wrong? He must be homeless, so finding good way to cut his time on streets and must be stiff enough not to beg. Must be little off, he may not be knowing what he does. Must be- just a person like that!

What's wrong with the man?
He could be a family man, with home and family which can but don't bother about him? with wife and kids who- feel either very sad or very happy when he leaves everyday from home for his unaccounted unnoticed duty? Among all the vehicles he shoos off, can be one vehicle of his own, driven by his kids/wife/other family members? Could he be filling in the void in his life by standing on the streets, in the crowds, talking to strangers, at least. 

Or he could be, just, that man on the signal- a representative of the future of out tormented, lonely, deteriorating society?

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