Friday, June 24, 2016

Socrates was killed because...

Wedding, of a relative!

Getting married is one of the loudest (sweetest I wanted to say, but loudest sounds perfect!) milestones of life. With a few exceptions, most of the lives are planned with wedding as the central block/post.

I attended a wedding today, of one of my sisters'. Me and my sister never really jelled, or even cared for each other much... But still, I attended her wedding with a lot of enthusiasm ( i was searching for some comment on this but couldn't find any, I am tired!! Other people's weddings can also be exhausting...).

We faced many relatives that we never see apart from such occasions, many that do not even know I have grown up, married, have a kid, who is a boy, name is Kabir (Oh, Kabir?! Why, I mean, such a nice name...!), many that laugh and hug as we meet and start bitching as soon as we turn our backs. We met some good persons, unfortunately some of them are related to me! 

Attending such weddings is most often a fun time for people. Except the immediate affected ones, nobody cares about it so much. Showing off your new Saree/dress/Jewelry/Son/husband/... meet people, meet people that you don't want to meet otherwise, EAT are some of the most common drives why they attend such functions. Why do I attend? I don't know...

I was alone in the hall for a while, and i was looking around at the crowd. Old ladies (some of them could be my aunts, well... fortune and relatives can't be chosen... right?) wearing things that are suitable for their grand nieces, young boys acting as if they have seen such a big hall for the first time and running their guts out, young girls just being paper dolls, and some, like me, clueless, sitting wondering why did i come in the first place....

I was talking to one of my aunts and she, without fluttering her eyes, says- Why are you like this? Why name him Kabir? Why do u grow your hair and keep a pony tail? I told her, see... as it is you don't like me, right? Then why bother? The whole family is made up of straight shoots, there should be someone with oblique branches, let me be the one! 

Socrates was killed because he asked too many questions!

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